maandag 8 juli 2013


Ineens kom je dit tegen. Ik vind het vreselijk. Maar er zijn ook mensen die dit leuk vinden. Ik ken er één waarvan ik dat weet. Voor haar heb ik deze foto gemaakt.

The Senja Troll:

The Senja Troll is widely known as one of the largest tourist attractions in northern Norway. Several tens of thousands, both large and small have visited Senja Troll since 1993. This is one of Mid-Troms most visited family farms. The troll is built on an ancient legend on Senja about a troll who was seen both by sea and land. In 2007, Troll old woman from Mountain Women and joined the Senja Troll. 30. June 2007, the trolls forged the links of hymens byprest John-Daniel Solhaug. The best man was Ingrid Evertsen (Mossa) and Tore Skoglund (both known from the "Du skal høre mye" on NRK).The Senja Troll was registered in Guinness Record Book in 1997. Height 17.96 meters in the sitting position and with a weight of 125.000 kg. Inside the troll stomach is an exciting adventure the world spread over two floors full of adventures for young and old, built on the old legends from Senja

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